Why avia cleaner…?
(by: avia cleaner Management Team)
Ceramic tile is the element of building utilized to close surface, usually is in the form of thin and square plate made of by hard clay or soil mixture and raw material of other ceramics, is burned by temperature in such a way height, so having special physical properties. The Quality and way of test consist of
external view, weight average of tiling, footage, breadth, Thick, deformation of tiling, impregnation of water, fill load, strong flexed, endurance of glassy to crack and endurance to acid and alkaline.
Ceramics tile divisible on several of floor ceramics ( in space and outside space), usually the area scale is per sheet bigger, bathroom wall ceramics, floor ceramics, external kichen ceramics and wall ceramics (source: Kompas newsletter).
Every ceramic type has different character. Floor ceramics in space, for example, the surface smooth can be glossy and or dof (mate), while outside space ceramics (garage, carport, park, or washes place/drier) has rugged surface.
Ceramics can come up as a means of eats (plate, glass, and others) also to. ceramics in the form of simpleer can we meet at home as eathernware vessels in the form of crock, pot plants, large earthenware bowl for water, and of a kind it, or even made as beautiful and luxurious roof tile.
The quality of ceramics also must be paid attention. For installing in bathroom area will try to apply ceramics with quality height because ceramics in this area would hardly often contamination with chemical detergent which can undermine glassy layer at ceramics surface. Besides need to be paid attention quality of ceramics in durability to incision, and solidity of product yielded also to.
As good and as luxuriant any kind of ceramic material that has been installed at room, when maintenance and treatment not done will make atmosphere becoming not fun, the example at bathroom.
Principal hygiene problem at bathroom consist of:
Smell not delicious
Caused less the good ventilation system, space irradiation and also space air order system.
Insect and animal (cockroach, spider)
Caused by dirt and direct channel or leakage with dirty aqueduct or septic tank so that necessary cleaned, given insecticide, except septic tank.
leak and clogged up
Caused solid dirt existence that comes into exile channel. Despitefully we must watch out for danger of electricity if using electrical equipment electric socket.
Mould, crust, soap
Doesn’t be secret again that water quality several regions at our country is stills very far from standard that used, don't be standard world organization (world health organization), appropriate standard country self even also improper, because our water have problem, so for a part entrepreneur be a business opportunity.
Why does water be a opportunity? Yes, because many spring up water processor tool industrial, minimum water cleaner tool up to useworthy, metal degree in water tool test, tool to detect solid substance is dissolved and still many other opportunities. like to what tool that meant, reader can download at …I forget, sorry, at some time I edit this text again, or reader can visit to www.uangkita1.blogspot.com , their team has several warehouse data about water and the secondary business opportunity, sssst why water is sold?, ooo sorry not water but water processor tool, thank gods a man from this country production, very good to support independence of our economics.
Back to laptop, Tukul said ….
Water quality consequence and treatment under communication/ cleanliness, bathroom is less delicious at look at eye. crust that appear because chemical pregnancy in water that is used sometimes very difficult cleaned if have patched at ceramics.
To clean the crust or stain, home owner must be clever chooses the compatible material, familier, if in the Jawa language is " gatuk" with the ceramics because ceramic surface very susceptible to formula or cleanser and technical itself usage, the intention way of cleaning by rubbed to applies keen substance hardly is not recommendation. suggested use cleanser shaped detergent or sour not overweening for ceramics. Special for equipments made from marmer/onyx is not suggested to apply acid.
My avia cleaner designed as treatment solution, ceramics materials maintenance or porcelain which impurity as result of the water crust is hard clean. That locations is often hits water be the place of avia cleaner, like building wall ceramics material, building floor that using ceramics to create impression interior, ceramics porcelain that display decorative impression and marginally which ceramic basis and porcelain.
Basically the production of avia cleaner to be alternative solution in part problem of building treatment world (building maintenance).
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