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At year that is when this country emerges disturbance, happen employee is taked on a large scale means “PHK” so that make enough several friends migrates from Jakarta to several cities likes Jogjakarta, Semarang, Solo and others. Migrate with a commitment to build new business aims Jakarta, not from Jakarta to region because considering security stability situation and economy freshment at that time.
Begin new life at home town, day in day out letted pass with do promo tour, scattered brochure, home to home presentation, advertisement, from building to building and as it just to get income. Begin from aversed person, then incompatible the price, sentence "sorry us not yet want", until aversed again be matter that usually and last for doesn't make startled.
But what reputedly wise, trade is a effort. Try with heart, idea, make an effort and effort. Effort by continuous effort is developed, patient and a heap of permanent patience planted at heart.
Beginning stand it, general business nuance concept whom we use. With a purpose to end important satisfied consumer, without calculate effectiveness and work efficiency. obvious run that concept makes us tired, come up with the top meets with willing to progress in effort via various means, we are then follow article, article at various media (belongs internet) up to final find a simple business solution.
Innovation by innovation then done, analysis at field, research by research to creat a formula cleanser very effective and efficient in execution, its use with support our principal business.
Technology innovation then developed up to we find solution to support this principal business. Our innovation has produced brand ceramics cleaner liquid named “avia cleaner”. Product here's as principal engine in the field of our service, so that job more effective and efficient. Our ingredient quality proved because the ability has have cleaned clean difficult water crusts without have botched those ceramics aesthetics.
Along with run of time, ably capital insufficient inspire us to modernize this effort area with clears away to information technology world, although rather late but not yet ancient. Biggest hope with launching this web, our product and service is more applied in social activities and internationalize with always wanted society along expression “wants clean room and well, remember avia cleaner”.

Best regard,
Avia service Management